Remnant Labs is developing a play-to-earn ecosystem with original Anime characters, focusing on accessible gameplay (multi-chain, cross-platform, FREE to play).
We are creating play-to-earn NFT games: 1) IDO/IGO (Complete) - Q2 2022
2) Tower Defense Game (Remnant - Alter Genesis) - Alpha in Q2 2024
2b) The Trials - Live minigames with leaderboard, 300+ participants in first Trial run, more re-runs in 2024-2025
Remnant Avatars
5555 unique main character NFTs (on ETH)
Alter Genesis
Web & mobile Tower Defense Game
Alter Genesis NFTs
∞ Game character NFTs (Polygon) which will be used across all Remnant game titles
Game ecosystem token (ERC20/Polygon)
In-game premium currency
Collector's Tin Boxes
Tin Box NFTs that can be opened for several Alter Genesis NFTs & guaranteed rarity of box color. Opened box remains after opened.
Color Dyes
ERC-1155 NFTs that can change hair, clothes, or eye color of a Remnant Avatar
Badges / Trophies
ERC20 Polygon NFTs usually obtained through events which gives account perks
The most ACCESSIBLE P2E Anime games: FREE TO PLAY, multi-chain, cross-platform, instant start
Remnant Labs is developing a Fantasy Anime Tower Defense game for the browser.
⛏️ Stake NFTs to earn $REMN 🏛️ Play Tower Defense to earn $REMN 🕹️ F2P (free-to-play) & P2E (play-to-earn) on Eth & Polygon
Version: 0.15 Last Updated: December 2023
We envision games that are not only fun to play, but also rewarding for players to play.
The future of gaming should bring more power and freedom to the gamer. Real ownership of select items. Freedom to trade items without large royalty fees or long time locks. Iron clad security through blockchain technology. Cross-platform trading (Game A skin for Game B skin). Skins and items are not stuck within any singular ecosystem, but in an open protocol accepted by more games and developers. Interconnected "metaverses" (i.e. A 'weapon skin' used in many game titles from partner companies).
During pre-production, we explored options, issues that may arise, and isolated the best solutions. Some of these are outlined in our Medium articles at https://medium.com/@remnantlabs.
With crypto and NFT technology, we are able to complete our goal of allowing users to openly trade (some) items/characters/skins with either minimal or zero fees (ie. 2.5% vs Steam's 30%), for tangible value and directly with other partnered game ecosystems, as well as peer-to-peer trading with anyone. This differs from centralized trading in the sense that there is no middle man, and it could promote a future where everyone has one central "digital" account that manages all of a player's collectibles.
Additionally, we will be able to reward players for playing the game with premium currency that is immediately tradeable in the open market with other games of this nature. We optimistically believe that within the next decade, players should be able to openly trade both currency & items between different platforms that the games are available on, and conveniently have a singular "digital account" identity.
On top of that, this integration will both increase our security and allow us to open source our database so other games or companies can include our items or characters in their games, and vice versa. This integration now makes it possible for developers to 100% securely check account ownership and item ownership across different companies and games, so cross-incentivized partnerships are easily integrated (i.e. Reach level 10 in Game A to receive bonus reward in Game B from another company).
4 main pillars of our design:
Making top quality games. We are a specialized game development studio.
Bridging NFT games to mass gaming and onboarding regular players in the future. The experience is so seamless that you don't even realize some of your game items are NFTs.
Sustainable play-to-earn made by passionate gamers for gamers.
Scalable to mass players. By making crypto/NFT optional and by integrating Polygon.
Probabilities - The exact probabilities of each trait will be released after mint.
Users can explore with the experimental rarities in the Builder.
Disclaimer: Probabilities are subject to change
1000 Minted on OpenSea Testnet from our community. Main-net mint event TBA (2024-2025).
Remnant Avatars is a collection of 5555 unique Fantasy Anime styled NFTs on Ethereum.
There are 250+ trait combinations totaling 150+ trillion possible unique combinations.
These Avatars act as optional VIP passes to the Remnant gaming ecosystem with perks:
✔️ Collectible art with semi-customization trait color choices for users
✔️ $REMN Farming (Idle Commissions)
✔️ Early game access
✔️ Marketplace perks & fee reduction
✔️ Private Discord community access to Anime / NFT enthusiasts
✔️ $REMN cost reduction on features
✔️ Monthly Alter Genesis NFT drop
✔️ Claim Female Avatar for some $REMN
✔️ Advantage during monthly Trial event
✔️ Dynamic NFTs, upgradeable over time through event rewards
✔️ Several more hidden perks
These Avatars are not just PFP (profile picture) art, but contain 10+ benefits listed above!
Users can experiment with combinations here: Builder. For sale: 5000 (550 reserved for events and collaborations, 5 for team) Mint price: Ξ0.XX (TBA and may change based on ETH price) Mint date: TBA (2024-2025)
Disclaimer: Do not spend more than you can afford to lose.
Now playable in main game Alter Genesis on website. Full NFT integration coming in 2024.
These NFTs are not directly for sale.
They are obtained by: - Recruiting with the in-game currency $SHARD
$SHARDs can be earned by:
- Staking $REMN (~80%) - Playing Remnant games (~15%) - Events (~5%)
Alter Genesis NFTs are on Polygon network with unlimited NFTs (except higher rarities).
The result is free-to-play and play-to-earn gaming.
Alter Genesis NFT characters are used in [1] NFT Staking Commissions, [2] Tower Defense Game, and [3] Untitled Multiplayer Game
8 (+2)
48 (+2)
512 (+18)
Lower Rarities
No limit
No limit
No limit
The Alter Genesis NFT set starts with 8 characters (see website Gallery)
1st Edition will include these 8 characters.
Each character has a maximum limit of copies of Amethyst, Gold, and Relic rarities.
Once a limit is met, there is a 1 hour Grace Period for a few extra mints (see table).
Un-minted NFTs during Grace Period will be added to future Events/Raffles.
These rarities can be occasionally obtained through random recruiting with $SHARDs or more commonly through feeding lower or same rarity NFTs as sacrifice.
Alter Genesis NFTs' Farm Power is based on their Frame Rarity & Star Rarity & Edition, with a greater weight on Frame Rarity.
Disclaimer: Rarity odds are not final.
Rarity Score is determined by the rarity of the NFT, which dictates border color (Rarity Title). The Rarity Title determines the $REMN farming efficacy & ranges from Obsidian (gray) to Relic (red).
Avatar Rarity Score values range from 1600 and above. Each of the 16 traits has a minimum normalized score of 100, and the total rarity is the summation of all traits.
It determines $REMN farming amount.
Rarity Score determines the Rarity Title which determines the farm speed (Farm Power).
Rarity Score may affect multiple mechanics in different ways in the future, but currently will affect idle commission deployments. A constant amount of $REMN is allocated per second, divided by the total Farm Power in the pool.
For example:
-100 $REMN is given out per second (hypothetically)
-User has a 3600 Rarity Score character
-Character will fall under Gold category with a Farm Power of 5000.
-Assuming the total Farm Power in the entire pool is 100,000, then the user has 5%, granting the user 5 of the 100 $REMN per second.
Users may withdraw the $REMN after lock period (to be determined) on Polygon network.
Note: Values are not final.
These character NFTs are dynamic, allowing you to exchange equipment that you gain through events and tournaments. For example, the Trial events run monthly, with opportunities to earn equipment that may be able to boost your Rarity Score.
Rarity Score is calculated as:
t = trait type index
p = probability of randomized trait type
c = ceiling (most common) probability of trait type
R = root constant, currently 1.92 (lower value increases gap between common-rare, vice versa)
There are 16 traits where each trait has a minimum rarity score of 100.
This formula sums a normalized rarity score from each trait, allowing for traits to be balanced compared to each other. The root function decreases the gap, allowing legendary traits to be valuable enough but not overshadowing the more common traits.
Users can experiment at the Builder.
The above is for Remnant Avatar NFTs.
Alter Genesis NFTs' Rarity Score will be calculated with their Frame Rarity & Star Rarity. This formula is to be announced at a later date.
Recurring trials that test explorers, rewarding great treasures to the wise, punishing the careless.
Trials occur in the caves or tombs in the outskirts of Babylonia, requiring the explorer to work through various puzzles and mini-games on the Web Browser (PC recommended, but compatible with most mobile devices).
Trials will take place every month, allowing users to win lucrative rewards. Become an expert Trials trailblazer and score in the leaderboards or get lucky to win! These include Remnant Avatar NFTs, Alter Genesis NFTs, $REMN, $SHARDS, Badges (NFTs with perks), Hair/Clothes/Eye Color Dye, Character Upgrades, and more!
Between the release of our other titles as they require time to develop high quality gameplay, Idle Commissions and Trials will fill the gap with interesting new puzzles and mini-games each time.
The First Mini-Trial (Season 0)
Registrations: Free registrations open for eager explorers starting Nov 30.
Duration: Will run through Dec 10 to Early February.
Prizes: Prizes include Remnant Avatars, Whitelist spots, $REMN, $SHARDS, Badges, and Dyes. Distribution: Mid April
Trials Season 1
Registrations: Opens in 2024
Prizes: Remnant Avatars, $REMN, $SHARDS, Badges, Dyes, and Character Upgrades. Distribution: Some prizes are Immediate, remainder distributed after event ends.
Trials are secured and monitored.
Research & Prototype (Q2 2021)
NFTs & Soft-Launch (Q3 2021)
Release & Sale (Q4 2021)
Development (Q1-2 2022)
Development (Q3-Q4 2022)
Development (2023)
Development (2024)
Perks will be active some time in the latter half of 2024.
Disclaimer: The $REMN requirements may change based on $REMN price
Users can receive titles granting extra perks by holding a specific amount of $REMN tokens. This includes $REMN staked. LP staking will be factored as well (TBA).
$REMN Required (not final)
25K ($13.75 at IDO)
10M ($5500 at IDO)
✔️ +10% daily login bonus ($SHARDS / $REMN)
✔️ +1 free weekly Natural Leaf (raffle ticket)
✔️ + 10 50% daily login bonus ($SHARDS / $REMN)
✔️ + 1 free weekly Alter Genesis NFT (soft-mint) airdrop (90% Obsidian / 10% Emerald)
✔️ Auto redeployment in commissions after completion
✔️ + 50 200% daily login bonus ($SHARDS / $REMN)
✔️ + 1 2 free weekly Natural Leaf (raffle ticket)
✔️ + 200 500% daily login bonus ($SHARDS / $REMN)
✔️ + 2 3 free weekly Natural Leaf (raffle ticket)
✔️ + 1 2 free weekly Alter Genesis NFT (soft-mint) airdrop (90% Obsidian / 10% Emerald)
✔️ Auto redeployment in commissions after completion
✔️ + Discord Hero role / private channel access
✔️ + 500 1000% daily login bonus ($SHARDS / $REMN)
✔️ + 3 4 free weekly Natural Leaf (raffle ticket)
✔️ + 2 3 free weekly Alter Genesis NFT (soft-mint) airdrop (90% Obsidian / 10% Emerald)
✔️ Auto redeployment in commissions after completion
✔️ + 1 Lapis Tin Box airdrop on the 1st of each month (snapshot taken week prior)
✔️ + 1000 4000% daily login bonus ($SHARDS / $REMN)
✔️ + 4 5 free weekly Natural Leaf (raffle ticket)
✔️ + 3 4 free weekly Alter Genesis NFT (soft-mint) airdrop (90% Obsidian / 10% Emerald)
✔️ Auto redeployment in commissions after completion
✔️ + Discord Hero Sovereign role / private channel access
Scheduled for 2025.
Buy and sell both soft-minted NFTs and fully minted NFTs. Aggregates major marketplaces from various chains for a central hub to buy/sell. This allows the greatest adoption of players making it all-inclusive.
NFT Staking commissions will become available in Remnant - Alter Genesis game Beta in 2024-2025.
This is the primary way for Remnant Avatars NFTs to earn $REMN.
Commission earn rates will be announced upon release.
Commissions will require players to deploy every 24 hours (auto redeploy feature can be unlocked with the Sentinel Player Title tier).
A constant amount of $REMN is allocated per second, divided by the total Yield Weight in the pool. Your Remnant Avatar/Alter Genesis characters will have a rating based on rarity.
Users will be required to register, sign in, bind Ethereum address to deploy and collect.
Remnant - Alter Genesis
Alter Genesis is a browser & mobile Fantasy Anime TD in development.
Demo is live and playable on the main website now. Alpha starts some time in 2024. There will be $REMN rewards.
Alter Genesis NFTs will be useable.
An example of gameplay mechanics: -Players have a limited number of actions per day (i.e. play 10 missions per day) for full rewards -Rewards are based on the Account's Farm Power, so FREE players can fully enjoy the game, but will consequently receive less rewards when using lower rarity characters. -Players can play quick rounds of Tower Defense games with $REMN rewards upon clearing
-Stages are all unique and require multiple layers of strategy
-Players can instantly clear stages that they have already cleared
-Fun bit sized fun on browser and mobile
Highly secured through several security and anti-cheat server-sided solutions.
Frame Rarity on Alter Genesis NFTs makes no power difference in game, limiting the pay-to-win aspect, but the $REMN reward is multiplied by some Weight of total Farm Power.
NFT staking is live on Testnet, game demo for late April.
Our mantra is "under 60 seconds!"
We will not stop until the user experience is so smooth that the user can register, login, and receive their first FREE tutorial NFT (on Polygon) within 60 seconds.
Scheduled for 2025.
The Tree of Prosperity is a Raffle-like system with no losers!
Users can purchase a Natural Leaf which are raffle tickets to win the weekly Relic tier NFT jackpot.
Every Leaf is guaranteed $SHARDS, so this is the main way to instantly gain $SHARDS without staking $REMN to gradually earn them.
$REMN Cost
Number for Sale Weekly
Natural Leaf
500 minus 100 per day (100 minimum)
2500 minus 10 per hour
Each user (wallet) can purchase a maximum of 10 Natural Leaf per week during the first hour. Afterwards, the limit is 50 Natural Leaf.
For Natural Leaf:
150-200 $SHARDS
300-400 $SHARDS
600-800 $SHARDS
1000-1250 $SHARDS
Additional prizes:
Jackpot (Relic/Gold Character)
1 in # of total entries
Large Prize (Amethyst Character)
2 in # of total entries
Medium Prize (Lapis Character)
4 in # of total entries
3000 $SHARDS
8 in # of total entries
Prosperous Leaf Badge
8 in # of total entries
Small Prize (Emerald Character)
16 in # of total entries
Blue Dye (Hair/Clothes/Eyes)
32 in # of total entries
Green Dye (Hair/Clothes/Eyes)
32 in # of total entries
Red Dye (Hair/Clothes/Eyes)
32 in # of total entries
It costs 300 $SHARDS per Alter Genesis character recruit. See details here.
We take security seriously! Our Standard ERC20 token $REMN (with anti-bot/sniper), and our token staking (with time lock), is audited by EtherAuthority.io and pending audit from Certik.
In the blockchain space, exploits and vulnerabilities are a major area of concern, so in addition to our internal team audits, the more audits we have, the more we can be rest assured of the security of our smart contracts.
Black & White (white may appear invisible on white background)
Remnant Labs Ltd
We are a new game development studio based in Toronto, Canada, 1 Concorde Gate Suite 702.
Our story begins as 5 members with a game development background and passion for building fun games and disruptive technology. Our team strives to utilize innovative technology to push towards better gaming experiences and standards.
Since April, we've expanded and received contributions from many contracted members and are in the process of onboarding more talent to the core team, including developers and marketing. Our additional team members will be announced shortly.
Core Team
There is currently a stigma against Crypto / NFT in the game development community, until the use-case and quality of Crypto related games improve in the future.
Some team members do not wish to tie their professional identity at this time, so they are under pseudonyms.
Interested in a collaboration or partnership? Reach us at:
CEO | Project Lead
Game dev since '05 | crypto '17
CTO | Fullstack Developer
Expert front & back end dev
Art & Game Director
Game dev & 3D artist since '16
Game Developer
Game dev since '15 | crypto '17
3D Artist
Game dev & 3D artist since '16
Front End UI/UX
Character Design
2D Environment Artists
Vibrantes Art
Juju Arts
3D Character Artist
Misc Artists
Prismriver Orchestra
Smart Contracts
Piyush G
Game Advisor
Tokenomics Advisor
How the $REMN token is used:
Stake and gain $SHARDS over time (lock for 14, 30, 90, or 180 days for bonus)
Use to upgrade your $SHARDS passive allowance over time
Used in some one-time event sales (Land, Tin Box Collections), some sold in $REMN
Use to upgrade character NFTs (Alter Genesis)
Used in every Remnant game title, future partnered titles and incubated titles to upgrade or purchase some cosmetic items
Used in Tree of Prosperity (weekly Raffle-like system, where every purchase wins)
Hold or stake specific amount to be eligible for Player Title Perks.
Governance voting for game balance (not blockchain features)
*Usage of tokens will send 50% to the 0x0...dead address and the remainder to the Remnant Vault (6 month vesting). This value may be changed in future for sustainable health of the ecosystem.
What is $SHARDS?
$SHARDS is the in-game premium currency (not a crypto token) for in-game purchases, obtained over time by staking $REMN or through gameplay
$SHARDS is used to purchase in-game items, summon/recruit character NFTs, transact off-chain items with other players, etc.
$SHARDS might be bridged with a 1:1 tokenized version in the future, pending meticulous security measures, but is primarily not a crypto token in order to make mass adoption of crypto NFT technology optional, invisible, and seamless for traditional gamers without crypto wallets.
Token Metrics
Ticker: REMN Token type: ERC20 and POLYGON (MATIC) IGO Fundraising Goal: 810M $REMN | $450K USD Total Tokens: 10B $REMN (10,000,000,000) Initial Token Price: 1 REMN = 0.00055 USD Initial Market Cap: ~$200k (~$400k w/ liquidity) Fully Diluted Cap TGE: $5.5M
Distribution Off-chain: April 29 (For early staking program to public IDO participants) On-chain: May 19 (ETH) / May 26 (Polygon) Private/Seed Distribution: May 31 (no disadvantage to receiving later as long as before June 2) Vesting: June 15, July 15, Aug 15, Sept 15, etc. DEX Listing (Uniswap, Quickswap): June 2, 4PM UTC *Adding liquidity/buy/sell is disabled until June 2, 4 PM UTC
Post-Launch & Listing Update: $REMN is live on DEX's. The total raise target was not reached due to poor market conditions during and following the launch. A large portion of the funds have been used in DEX liquidity, development, marketing team, and legal & security. The project will not be dropped. Development has continued from the team's pocket until the game's full completion cycle under an extended time-frame towards 2026.
Initial Supply: 761M (7.61%) (w/ Liquidity) | 3.8% (w/o Liquidity) IGO: 1.62% Market Liquidity: 3.8% Seed: 1.1% Private: 0.7375% Marketing: 0.35%
% Total | at TGE
Vesting Schedule
Non-linear, 5 years
Non-linear, 4 years
Also earns SHARDS
12mo cliff, 36mo vest
Marketing & Advisors
7% | 0.35%
5% TGE, 6mo cliff, 24mo vesting
1mo cliff, 10% 1st mo, 15mo vesting (6%/mo)
11% | 1.1%
10% TGE, 9mo vesting (10%/mo)
5.9% | 0.7375%
12.5% TGE, 7mo vesting (12.5%/mo)
8.1% | 1.62%
20% TGE, 4mo vesting (20%/mo)
Minimum 6mo cliff, varies
8.5% | 3.8%
2 year lock, renewed unless migrating DEX
Initial swap liquidity, possible CEX listing, Anti-bot/snipe
Staking $REMN will be enabled in Q2 2024 with Remnant - Alter Genesis game Alpha. Staking provides $SHARDS (in-game premium currency) over time and %APY returns on $REMN.
The distribution of 15% of $REMN tokens is spread over 4 years of staking rewards.
Each reward period lasts for 3 months.
The $REMN staking distribution (% of total $REMN per 3 months) is as follows:
After 4-5 years when Play-to-Earn and Staking vaults run out, the goal is to have reached a mature Ecosystem of games. Players will be earning more $SHARDS and NFTs that are the true value of the ecosystem.